Monday, January 31, 2011

Three Cups of Tea Discussion Questions Chapter 12-18

Please respond to one or more discussion questions.

In Chapter 13, Mortenson said, “I realized that everything, all the difficulties I’d gone through, from the time I’d promised to build the school, through the long struggle to complete it, was nothing compared to the sacrifices he was prepared to make for his people. Here was this illiterate man, who’d hardly left his little village…Yet he was the wisest man I’d ever met.” Why does Mortenson consider Haji Ali to be the “wisest man her ever met”?

What advice does Haji Ali give to Mortenson (Ch. 15) that he incorporates into the Central Asia Institute (CAI) plans for building new schools? Do you think this advice would serve Mortenson well if he were building schools in the United States?

Mortenson (Ch. 16 &17) “also came to know a religious leader in Baltistan, Syed Abbas Risvi, who agreed with him that education was important but pointed out that the children in the area needed something else, too…” What does Mortenson hope Westerners will understand in the example of Syed Abbas?

Much of the book is a meditation on what it means to be a foreigner assimilating with another culture. Discuss your own experiences with foreign cultures-things that you have learned, mistakes you have made, misunderstandings you have endured.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Korean Hangul #2- Alphabet

Here is the next lesson that covers the remaining consonant sounds Suhyun showed us tonight.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Interview with Greg and Amira Mortenson


I think I figured out how to post this video to the blog. Remind me how to show you when we meet next time!

:-) Amy

Three Cups of Tea Questions (Ch.4-11)

In keeping with the last reading, please respond to 2 questions (about one question for each chapter.)

1. Our experiences from the past are said to affect the way we embrace the future.
  • What aspects of Greg's childhood (Ch. 4) would influence his interaction with other cultures later on in life?
  • What aspects of your childhood or later adult life have had or will have an impact on your interaction with Korean culture?
2. Greg said it was hard to explain to adults why he wanted to help students in Pakistan, bu the kids got it right away (Ch. 5). When you return from Korea, do you think it will be easier, more difficult, or equally easy to get adults (teachers, parents, community members) than students to listen and understand what you will share about Korean culture, education, etc.?

3. In Ch. 6, Greg begins to have doubts about the people of Korphe (p.38). Why? How might our hosts in Korea have doubts about Americans following our visit?

4. Greg first takes tea before delivering the great news about the school to Haji Ali (Ch.7). What is significant about this act? Name a custom or tradition of hospitality from our culture that is important.

5. In what ways does the construction of the bridge at Korphe serve as a symbol for the story? (Ch. 8 & 10)

6. How does the Ibex hunt reflect the values and traditions of the Balti people? (Ch 9) What events do we have in our culture that reflect our values and traditions?

7. Do the events at the end of Ch. 11, "Six Days" surprise you? Explain.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Learn Korean Alphabet: Hangul Rap

Interview with Greg and Amira Mortenson

Check out the link below to view the Greg and Amira Mortenson interview.

<iframe src='' width=413 height=355 scrolling='no' frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0></iframe>

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Korean Hangul #1- Alphabet

This is a good review from today's lesson with Suhyun regarding joining the consonants with the vowel sounds. There are more videos in this series. Youtube search "Korean Hangul" and they should appear.